In response to a loved one who challenged me by saying, "these are the laws we have now ..." - meaning we are not allowed to break an unlawful law. I am here to make a case to the contrary.
Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state ... and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
The 6th Amendment gives us the openly stated right to a trial by jury and the assistance of counsel for our defense. I say, "openly stated right" to point out that we have many other rights and duties given by our Creator that are not openly stated and those rights may not be infringed by the state any more than the stated rights. However, the stated rights give us a firm standing point on which to push back the encroaching government machinery.
So now for the story. In Florida in 1994 there was an abortionist, his bodyguard and his nurse who performed 20-35 late term abortions every Friday at a local clinic. He had been convicted and fined $1000.00 on several occasions for breaking the law by killing unborn babies past the state sanctioned definition of when they could be called babies. He always came back and killed more babies, going so far as to bear a sign on his truck proclaiming "I DO ABORTIONS"-I can't recall the exact wording it was something like that.
Local activists in trying to save the lives of the babies would go to the dumpster where their bodies were thrown and take pictures of their intact little bodies with their arms, legs, fingers, toes and torsoes lying next to the head that had been wrenched from their bodies. They would take the pictures to court when they tried to get the court to stop the atrocities from happening. The court refused to honor their grievances but to clear their unconscious consciences would make the evil doctor pay a fine.
Mr. Paul Hill, a virtuous and moral human being, was deeply grieved about this continuing to happen. He was a moral human being and accountable to his Creator for the fact that he was standing by and allowing these babies to be murdered every Friday. 20 to 30 little babies being decapitated, dismembered, burned with chemicals, their hearts injected with poison, ripped from their mother's bodies and tossed into a dumpster! Finally, he came to a decision. He had to do something. But, he loved his wife and his children! Was this really what God would want him to do? He would be executed or thrown in jail for life. But, maybe if the jury could hear his defense maybe there might be the possibility that he could be acquitted. Maybe, they would see that he was defending the life of the innocent. But, either way, he had to stop the massacre of the unborn babies that was occurring every Friday at that clinic. I will spare you the details, suffice it to say, he took a rifle executed the abortionist, his bodyguard and his nurse, then put his gun down put his hands in the air and waited for the police to arrive.
Now I am not prepared to argue on behalf of Paul Hill's decision, because it is not something that I would promote or condone. That was just a background story for making my case:
In a world where the serial killer, Ted Bundy, was given the right to defend himself, Paul Hill was denied the right to present his defense at court. The reason why: his counsel advised him to defend his actions as necessary in the defense of the life of others. The judge refused to allow the defense. The judge didn't want the jury to see the pictures of the babies with their heads ripped off next to their beautifully formed little bodies. The judge was afraid the jury would declare the man innocent and in so doing would convict the court rather than the accused. While Roe V Wade isn't a law it is still at the crux of the issue. This ruling was not just an abomination before God, it was unconstitutional in that it denies the right to life to babies as long as they are in their mother's womb. Judges have prostituted themselves by taking an oath to the bar association and an oath to the Constitution. No man can serve two masters. When the choice comes between upholding the Constitution or upholding their lucrative bar association connections, their bar association connections win the day. The background knowledge of this issue is too tedious for the average socialist to sustain.
Socialists need to know that juries have the authority to nullify laws based on the fact that the people of the states are the ones who grant the authority for laws to be passed in the first place. The courts are usurping the authority of the people of the states without letting it reach the court transcripts. If it reaches the court transcripts it becomes officially documented. Courts want people to remain ignorant of their responsibility to judge not just the person accused by the evidence presented but also the law used to accuse the accused.
Judges routinely avoid letting jurors know the power they have in the jury box. This is an American freedom issue. This is the problem with a federal government that is run amok with unlawful power. Socialists keep unlawful authorities in authority because it is easier to pretend there is nothing we can do about the evil than it is to actually stop the evil. It comforts us to pretend the evil isn't happening. If we can just block it from our minds, we don't have to do anything about it. The reality is, if we do something about evil, it could cost us our lives. If we don't do anything about evil, it will cost us our lives. It is a lot more convenient in the short run not to know what is going on.
The accused in this case was in fact executed in Florida in 2004(?). It seems it was a bright sunny day in Florida and all the news trucks headed to the prison to get their pictures. There was a dark, dark cloud over the prison, when Mr. Hill was executed there was lightening and thunder and heavy darkness over the prison and sunshine outside the prison. They could look over past the prison gates and see the beautiful Florida blue skies and sunshine. I guess it is possible God may not enjoy watching the criminal execuition of a man who saved the lives of between 10,400 and 18,000 innocent babies who would have gotten decapitated, dismembered, burned, given heart attacks and ripped from their mother's bodies by a doctor and his assistants during the ten years he tried to obtain a pardon. Ten years while his children grew up without him, his wife was left to fend for them, and he wrote his story from the time that he performed his unlawful execution until the time the state performed their equally unlawful execution. The state executed him after having denied him a legitimate trial by jury. He may have been found guilty anyway, he did kill three people. The point is the judge denied him his Constitutionally stated right to a trial by a jury of his peers and the right to council in his defense.
You think I sound strange? Think about it. Where do righteous standards originate? From God. He says in his word, "I the Lord declare what is right." The judge refused to allow Paul Hill to present his defense. The judge said he could present any other defense except his actual defense. The judge wiped his completely darkened conscious clean of any wrong doing by pretending his bar oath was a greater responsibility than his responsibility to uphold the Constitution. The reason we have a jury system is to prevent the judge from having more power than the people. That is part of the separation of powers designed into the framework of the Constitution. As long as people remain ignorant of how that framework operates and what is required to keep it operational. Presidents, judges and politicians will continue to ride roughshod over our Constitution and the freedom every person on earth has been born with: the freedom to worship God and practice our religion. In America when the state tries to take that freedom away from us, they are exalting themselves against the authority we have granted to them by the republic through the Constitution and under the final authority of God. When we demand more government intervention and in essence call out for a king to rule over us, we are forsaking our God given responsibilities to govern ourselves according to his commandments.
When we allow government to sanction the massacre of unborn babies, we are allowing them to do it under our authority and we in effect sanction those murders. We must rule over the government or the government will rule over us. The only way we can rule over the government is to submit ourselves to God's sovereign authority and obey his commandments. The freedom to govern ourselves according to the laws of nature and of nature's God is derived from our individual willingness to submit to those laws. When we obey his commandments government is not given the power to grow into our caretaker because we do not need to demand a civil government to provide us with safety from one another. When society rejects the commandments of God they are demanding government intervention into their lives by the very fact that without God's controlling power and authority anarchy would reign upon the face of the earth.
The goal of the framers included the prevention of a too powerful central church while supporting true religion before God, the prevention of a too powerful central economic power while supporting a free market economy; and the prevention of a too powerful central government while supporting the operation of an effective and restrained central government.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Have you noticed that America
seems to have lost its mind? We keep
paddling in what we believe is the right direction only to be swept into the
wrong direction. We are a country
established by casting off the rule of an imperialist tyrant only to vote into
power another imperialistic tyrannical government apparatus. So, where do we go from here?
The following articles are foundational to the purpose of this blogspot. My hope and prayer is to begin to get people involved in learning what the Constitution provides in the way of protection against government intrusion and in maintaining safety, economic security, restoring the freedom to freely exercise our religion, protection from foreign invasion, protection from judicial tyranny, protection from state uniformed invasion of privacy, and the state confiscation of the time, talent and property of the people joined together in this republic of these United States of America.
What Makes Us a Republic?
The Constitution is the cornerstone of our republic. We are a republic because we are several states united together under the written agreement of the Constitution. Without the Constitution we would be individual states operating separately without regard for one another.
The three branches of the federal government exist only for the purpose of supporting the Constitution of these United States of America. The federal government has no authority except what is specifically granted to it by the republic through the Constitution.
The Constitution protects us against the mob rule of a democracy by limiting the authority of the people to the states in which they reside. The unrestrained nature of a national democracy lends itself to manipulation from the symbiotic power mongering of socialism and of imperialism.
Our safety as a nation relies heavily on the lawful restraints imposed upon both the majority mob and imperialist tyrants. Both empire building styles rely heavily on deceiving the governed in order to gain unlawful power. One gains unlawful power by trading in social welfare programs, the other gains unlawful power by trading in corporate war machinery. The illusion of contention hides the symbiotic nature of their united cries for more government.
It is the people of the states in the republic that must restrain the growth of government by demanding adherence to the limitations of power imposed by the Constitution. When a politician or judge defies the lawful constraints of the Constitution, they are defying the consent of the governed. We the people of the united states must stand up and protest their lack of respect for the limits of lawful authority we have granted to them. We have granted them authority for only so long as they maintain good behavior. When they usurp authority they are no longer in good behavior and are subject to impeachment.
We are a republic because the lawful power of the mob and the lawful power of the elected representatives are limited by the law of the Constitution. We are a republic because our ancestral representatives provided the Constitution for their posterity. We are a republic, only as long as we can keep it for our posterity.
The three branches of the federal government exist only for the purpose of supporting the Constitution of these United States of America. The federal government has no authority except what is specifically granted to it by the republic through the Constitution.
The Constitution protects us against the mob rule of a democracy by limiting the authority of the people to the states in which they reside. The unrestrained nature of a national democracy lends itself to manipulation from the symbiotic power mongering of socialism and of imperialism.
Our safety as a nation relies heavily on the lawful restraints imposed upon both the majority mob and imperialist tyrants. Both empire building styles rely heavily on deceiving the governed in order to gain unlawful power. One gains unlawful power by trading in social welfare programs, the other gains unlawful power by trading in corporate war machinery. The illusion of contention hides the symbiotic nature of their united cries for more government.
It is the people of the states in the republic that must restrain the growth of government by demanding adherence to the limitations of power imposed by the Constitution. When a politician or judge defies the lawful constraints of the Constitution, they are defying the consent of the governed. We the people of the united states must stand up and protest their lack of respect for the limits of lawful authority we have granted to them. We have granted them authority for only so long as they maintain good behavior. When they usurp authority they are no longer in good behavior and are subject to impeachment.
We are a republic because the lawful power of the mob and the lawful power of the elected representatives are limited by the law of the Constitution. We are a republic because our ancestral representatives provided the Constitution for their posterity. We are a republic, only as long as we can keep it for our posterity.
Victory by Refusing to Lose
George Washington didn’t lead a strong, victorious, mighty army to victory. George Washington led a rag tag bunch of colonial warriors that were just strong enough to refuse to lose. They stayed in the trenches until the other guys got involved with a bigger enemy. We may be the little people, we may be ignorant, we may be the unwashed masses, we may at times be every evil, vile name they want to call us to get us to shut up, but we don’t have to shut up. We don’t have to give up. We just have to stand up and speak, and speak, and speak, and speak, and speak, and keep speaking until we win. But before we do that, we need to know what to say that will be true. We must be speaking the truth in order for what we say to be supported by the power of our Creator. We have a need to renew our minds with the truth not just of the word of God, but the truth about our heritage as a nation.
We can send people to Washington who will honor their oath to support the Constitution or we can send more tyrants. We can demand that they impeach judges, presidents, senators, and congressional representatives who commit breech of promise against their oath of office, or we can let them keep ignoring the Constitution and passing illegal legislation. If we are going to live in freedom, we first have to learn what our rights are and what we can do to stand up for our rights.
The flag is a piece of cloth. It does not stand on its own. If we love America, it is time for us to stand for America. If the righteous will not lead, the unrighteous will. We will go the way of Germany, China, Russia, Serbia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Mexico, etc.
It is time to remember that we are a republic that stands or falls based on the determination of good men who are willing to speak forth the word of truth about what it means to be one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
We can send people to Washington who will honor their oath to support the Constitution or we can send more tyrants. We can demand that they impeach judges, presidents, senators, and congressional representatives who commit breech of promise against their oath of office, or we can let them keep ignoring the Constitution and passing illegal legislation. If we are going to live in freedom, we first have to learn what our rights are and what we can do to stand up for our rights.
The flag is a piece of cloth. It does not stand on its own. If we love America, it is time for us to stand for America. If the righteous will not lead, the unrighteous will. We will go the way of Germany, China, Russia, Serbia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Mexico, etc.
It is time to remember that we are a republic that stands or falls based on the determination of good men who are willing to speak forth the word of truth about what it means to be one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Where Did Our Republic Go?
Our republic has disappeared beneath socialist and imperialist illusions sold to us through our public education system, our paid media messengers, and our lack of respect for the Constitution. We the people failed to remember the rights and responsibilities of keeping our republic free. We allowed the power mongers to create crises and then we allowed them to “rescue” us from those crises by confiscating our property and treading on our rights and freedoms. We became dependent upon the resources they confiscated from ourselves and from our neighbors and redistributed to us in the form of government jobs, government pensions, government food stamps, government medical care, government housing, subsidies for the companies we worked for, rules and regulations and every form of evil intervention.
All of this government drove the private producers of wealth out of business. We are facing economic and national peril because debt is the only thing government produces and we failed to stop it from growing.
Even if we fought a bloody war against the power mongers selling the acceptance of socialist and imperialist policies, we could not win because we could not identify them. The true enemies are the lying doctrines they sell that we purchase with the commodity of our consent.
We the people were not prepared to keep the republic when the Supreme Court usurped its authority and prohibited the free exercise of our religion in our public schools. Lawlessness became the acceptable mode of government operations.
It is far better to learn how to restore power to the states and to the republic and regain control by using the terms written in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights than to wait until their unimpeded breach of authority costs us our flesh and blood.
Our forefathers had a battle cry for the revolution, “Live free or die.” We either live free, or die in secret through the arms of tyrants, invaders and usurpers, or else we die fighting to restore what we failed to hold for ourselves and for our posterity. We either live free or we die.
All of this government drove the private producers of wealth out of business. We are facing economic and national peril because debt is the only thing government produces and we failed to stop it from growing.
Even if we fought a bloody war against the power mongers selling the acceptance of socialist and imperialist policies, we could not win because we could not identify them. The true enemies are the lying doctrines they sell that we purchase with the commodity of our consent.
We the people were not prepared to keep the republic when the Supreme Court usurped its authority and prohibited the free exercise of our religion in our public schools. Lawlessness became the acceptable mode of government operations.
It is far better to learn how to restore power to the states and to the republic and regain control by using the terms written in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights than to wait until their unimpeded breach of authority costs us our flesh and blood.
Our forefathers had a battle cry for the revolution, “Live free or die.” We either live free, or die in secret through the arms of tyrants, invaders and usurpers, or else we die fighting to restore what we failed to hold for ourselves and for our posterity. We either live free or we die.
Good Behavior, a Constitutional Condition of Office
Good behavior is required of a servant elected to positions of public trust. Good behavior does not mean one speaks softly and smiles nicely into the camera. Nor does it mean one “meant well”, it means one does well by supporting, upholding, protecting and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Constitution protects us against the unlawful use of power.
If a power is not specifically listed and assigned to a specific branch of the federal government, then that power is not authorized to be exercised by that branch of the government. A power assigned to one branch is not authorized to be performed by another branch of government. Good behavior ends where usurping the authority assigned to another branch begins. Good behavior of a public servant begins and ends with upholding the oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic. Most of our enemies these days are domestic enemies.
When a Supreme Court Justice breaks their fiduciary obligation and makes a legislative decree from the bench, they are usurping the authority of Congress. That judge should be brought before Congress for impeachment. That judge has committed a breach of promise to uphold his oath of office, broken the chains placed on him by the Constitution and should not be allowed to sit on the bench or hold public office for the rest of his life.
Our own good behavior as members of this republic requires that we keep watch over elected and appointed office holders, congress, judges and presidents to ensure that they fulfill their obligations to fulfill their oaths of office. We can restore our authority, by restoring their awareness of their obligation to honor the Constitutionally defined limits of their authority. Holding senators accountable for impeaching those who fail to uphold their oath of office is part of our own good behavior. We need to be very careful to choose trustworthy people to hold positions of public trust on our behalf. Their bad behavior is our responsibility because they are committing their offenses under our authority before our Creator.
If a power is not specifically listed and assigned to a specific branch of the federal government, then that power is not authorized to be exercised by that branch of the government. A power assigned to one branch is not authorized to be performed by another branch of government. Good behavior ends where usurping the authority assigned to another branch begins. Good behavior of a public servant begins and ends with upholding the oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic. Most of our enemies these days are domestic enemies.
When a Supreme Court Justice breaks their fiduciary obligation and makes a legislative decree from the bench, they are usurping the authority of Congress. That judge should be brought before Congress for impeachment. That judge has committed a breach of promise to uphold his oath of office, broken the chains placed on him by the Constitution and should not be allowed to sit on the bench or hold public office for the rest of his life.
Our own good behavior as members of this republic requires that we keep watch over elected and appointed office holders, congress, judges and presidents to ensure that they fulfill their obligations to fulfill their oaths of office. We can restore our authority, by restoring their awareness of their obligation to honor the Constitutionally defined limits of their authority. Holding senators accountable for impeaching those who fail to uphold their oath of office is part of our own good behavior. We need to be very careful to choose trustworthy people to hold positions of public trust on our behalf. Their bad behavior is our responsibility because they are committing their offenses under our authority before our Creator.
What about the Separation of Church and State?
The first rule of interpretation says what is written cannot mean to the interpreter what it did not mean to the author. There is an openly stated and ratified clause in the first amendment that prohibits congress from making a law prohibiting the free exercise of our religion. There is no clause in the Constitution providing a wall of separation of church and state. Most of the framers of the Constitution were alive and in authority when the federal buildings were being built in Washington D.C. They put the Ten Commandments on the walls, they put bible verses on the walls, they established prayers to open every session of congress, they used the bible as the instrument upon which oaths of office were taken, it goes on and on and on. The framers of the Constitution obviously did not mean the prohibition of public prayer in our schools would be an acceptable exception to the stated first amendment right to the free exercise of our religion.
The ambitious and unjust Supreme Court Justices came up with an imaginary wall of separation from a personal letter that Jefferson wrote that was not part of the ratified consent of the governed. If they had referred to the unjust decision that created the imaginary wall of separation of church and state as the “Prohibition of Public Prayer Decision”, it would have been overturned immediately.
More importantly those Supreme Court Justices should have been impeached. The Supreme Court only has the authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Justices who reach outside the directly stated clauses of the Constitution and impose their own perverted imaginations of what they thought should have been included in the Constitution are subject to impeachment.
Impeachment carries with it the penalty that they never hold public office again. The Constitution is the written covenant between the states that are united for the purpose of mutual protection of all the states. Judges don’t get to re-define the openly written agreement as far as their imaginations will stretch it.
In failing to demand the reversal of that unjust decision, we the keepers of this republic have failed our posterity. But, it doesn’t have to remain that way. We can rise up and demand the reversal of that unjust decision and we can rise up and demand the impeachment of justices who continue to make decisions based on other unjust decisions rather than based on the actual Constitution and the limits of authority written therein.
We still have the authority that has been endowed to us by our Creator which is unalienable. The consent of the governed is still of paramount importance. If we can get our minds back, we can do what needs to be done.
The ambitious and unjust Supreme Court Justices came up with an imaginary wall of separation from a personal letter that Jefferson wrote that was not part of the ratified consent of the governed. If they had referred to the unjust decision that created the imaginary wall of separation of church and state as the “Prohibition of Public Prayer Decision”, it would have been overturned immediately.
More importantly those Supreme Court Justices should have been impeached. The Supreme Court only has the authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Justices who reach outside the directly stated clauses of the Constitution and impose their own perverted imaginations of what they thought should have been included in the Constitution are subject to impeachment.
Impeachment carries with it the penalty that they never hold public office again. The Constitution is the written covenant between the states that are united for the purpose of mutual protection of all the states. Judges don’t get to re-define the openly written agreement as far as their imaginations will stretch it.
In failing to demand the reversal of that unjust decision, we the keepers of this republic have failed our posterity. But, it doesn’t have to remain that way. We can rise up and demand the reversal of that unjust decision and we can rise up and demand the impeachment of justices who continue to make decisions based on other unjust decisions rather than based on the actual Constitution and the limits of authority written therein.
We still have the authority that has been endowed to us by our Creator which is unalienable. The consent of the governed is still of paramount importance. If we can get our minds back, we can do what needs to be done.
What Can We Do?
We can begin to work the existing system to wrest control from socialists and imperialists before they destroy what remains of our republic. We fail our representatives, ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our city, our state and our republic by not holding elected representatives accountable for upholding the lawful constraints of the Constitution.
We can stop believing the paid media messengers and start discovering the truth about the voting records of the people who are running for office.
We can stop voting for the ones chosen by those pulling the strings and start voting for those with records that uphold the Constitution as it was written.
We can learn how a free market economy operates and stop demanding government jobs, services and socially acceptable welfare programs. We can also stop government rules and regulations that result from corporate bribes. We can use our minds, hearts and actions to defeat the socially acceptable evil. We risk our safety to continue to compromise our integrity.
We can stop believing the paid media messengers and start discovering the truth about the voting records of the people who are running for office.
We can stop voting for the ones chosen by those pulling the strings and start voting for those with records that uphold the Constitution as it was written.
We can learn how a free market economy operates and stop demanding government jobs, services and socially acceptable welfare programs. We can also stop government rules and regulations that result from corporate bribes. We can use our minds, hearts and actions to defeat the socially acceptable evil. We risk our safety to continue to compromise our integrity.
Can We Keep this Republic?
Keeping this republic depends on our individual willingness to gain the knowledge of what it takes to keep it. It is not about Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, or any other media messenger. It is about restoring the foundations of the Constitution.
It is about impeaching judges who legislate from the bench, impeaching Presidents, Senators and Congressional Representatives who usurp their Constitutional authority. It is about voting people in who are willing to get rid of the out of control legislation, executive orders, court rulings and federal regulations that infringe on our freedoms and property rights. It is about restoring freedom by standing against the tyranny of socialists, imperialists, and those that feed the illusions that deceived us into empowering the tyrants.
Keeping the republic will require that we begin to recognize the voice of the liars by comparing what they do against what the Constitution authorizes them to do. We must be wary of those who say the right words and do the wrong things. We must believe all things that are true. Saying the right words will not transform them into people we can trust. The paid media messengers will continue to preach the gospel of socialism, imperialism and class warfare. We must go back to the basics. Study the Constitution. Get involved. Keep watch over territory and keep in touch with our representatives. Let them know the dangers that are coming their way.
The Constitution governs only America, not the world. The liars will often be identified by the fact that they vote to empower world authorities to have authority over United States citizens. For instance, neither the World Trade Organization, NATO, nor the Federal Reserve Banking system are governed by the Constitution. These organizations have been elevated into power by elected officials who have represented world authorities rather than the authority of the Constitution.
The officials who did this were not impeached. We did nothing about it and let them gain power. We must deal with it or they will continue to gain power until they end up using our taxpayer funded war machinery to steal our property, kill our families and destroy our neighborhoods. All tyrants have gained their power through the consent of the governed.
If we continue to fail to uphold the authority of the Constitution, we will ultimately fail to provide safety for ourselves and for our posterity. History will show us as just another democracy that came to a violent end.
“Can we keep this republic?” is an important question. “Will we keep it?” is a more important question.
It is about impeaching judges who legislate from the bench, impeaching Presidents, Senators and Congressional Representatives who usurp their Constitutional authority. It is about voting people in who are willing to get rid of the out of control legislation, executive orders, court rulings and federal regulations that infringe on our freedoms and property rights. It is about restoring freedom by standing against the tyranny of socialists, imperialists, and those that feed the illusions that deceived us into empowering the tyrants.
Keeping the republic will require that we begin to recognize the voice of the liars by comparing what they do against what the Constitution authorizes them to do. We must be wary of those who say the right words and do the wrong things. We must believe all things that are true. Saying the right words will not transform them into people we can trust. The paid media messengers will continue to preach the gospel of socialism, imperialism and class warfare. We must go back to the basics. Study the Constitution. Get involved. Keep watch over territory and keep in touch with our representatives. Let them know the dangers that are coming their way.
The Constitution governs only America, not the world. The liars will often be identified by the fact that they vote to empower world authorities to have authority over United States citizens. For instance, neither the World Trade Organization, NATO, nor the Federal Reserve Banking system are governed by the Constitution. These organizations have been elevated into power by elected officials who have represented world authorities rather than the authority of the Constitution.
The officials who did this were not impeached. We did nothing about it and let them gain power. We must deal with it or they will continue to gain power until they end up using our taxpayer funded war machinery to steal our property, kill our families and destroy our neighborhoods. All tyrants have gained their power through the consent of the governed.
If we continue to fail to uphold the authority of the Constitution, we will ultimately fail to provide safety for ourselves and for our posterity. History will show us as just another democracy that came to a violent end.
“Can we keep this republic?” is an important question. “Will we keep it?” is a more important question.
Propensity of Democracy to Licentiousness
Fisher Ames, a member of Congress while George Washington was President is quoted as saying, “The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be liberty.”
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were two ambitious men largely responsible for selling the lie that America is a democracy. Wilson peddled that we fought World War I “to make the world safe for democracy.” Roosevelt hawked that the U.S. “must be the great arsenal of democracy.” Their ambitions were to acquire the consent of the governed to allow their own and their neighbor’s private property to be confiscated for the causes of war and social welfare.
If power mongers can separate individuals from the knowledge of their Creator endowed rights and responsibilities they can separate them from their wealth and their freedom.
The ambitious have a vested interest in pushing their victims into licentiousness. If people do not trust in their Creator, they will more easily be led to demand a king to rule over them. Our Creator has given us the freedom to choose whom to serve. The licentious have rejected the protection of God and are looking for a false god who will promise to save them in their sin rather than from their sin. The ambitious are full of promises for the ignorant and the licentious to believe.
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were two ambitious men largely responsible for selling the lie that America is a democracy. Wilson peddled that we fought World War I “to make the world safe for democracy.” Roosevelt hawked that the U.S. “must be the great arsenal of democracy.” Their ambitions were to acquire the consent of the governed to allow their own and their neighbor’s private property to be confiscated for the causes of war and social welfare.
If power mongers can separate individuals from the knowledge of their Creator endowed rights and responsibilities they can separate them from their wealth and their freedom.
The ambitious have a vested interest in pushing their victims into licentiousness. If people do not trust in their Creator, they will more easily be led to demand a king to rule over them. Our Creator has given us the freedom to choose whom to serve. The licentious have rejected the protection of God and are looking for a false god who will promise to save them in their sin rather than from their sin. The ambitious are full of promises for the ignorant and the licentious to believe.
What does “unfunded obligations” mean?
The federal treasury received funds with obligations to pay them out to the people from whom the funds were originally taken. Members of congress confiscated the funds and redistributed them to fund illegitimate unconstitutional social welfare spending, NATO driven imperialist war spending and to purchase member votes to pass unconstitutional legislation and cover up crimes by presidents and members of congress. Now, the legitimate obligations for which the funds were collected are unfunded. We failed to impeach them for it. They felt entitled to continue. The democracy delusion held us in check.
They want to increase taxes by waving a flag in front of our faces painted in the image of the rich and powerful. Is it reasonable to pretend the rich and powerful who make laws, grant favors, and rally the mob will make themselves and their financiers return the money they have stolen from us in the first place?
Moral 1:
Tyrants don’t stop confiscating until they are stopped by someone stronger than they are.
Moral 2:
The mob of the democracy won’t stop demanding more until someone stronger says no to their demands.
Moral 3:
We either strengthen ourselves to stop them and stand up to do it, or we close our eyes and keep letting them do what they’ve been doing.
They want to increase taxes by waving a flag in front of our faces painted in the image of the rich and powerful. Is it reasonable to pretend the rich and powerful who make laws, grant favors, and rally the mob will make themselves and their financiers return the money they have stolen from us in the first place?
Moral 1:
Tyrants don’t stop confiscating until they are stopped by someone stronger than they are.
Moral 2:
The mob of the democracy won’t stop demanding more until someone stronger says no to their demands.
Moral 3:
We either strengthen ourselves to stop them and stand up to do it, or we close our eyes and keep letting them do what they’ve been doing.
Praying Together for This Republic
1Ti 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
2Ti 2:25 … if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;…
Pro 16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD [men] depart from evil.
Lord, thank you for your word. We pray for all men. We ask you to give us repentance to the acknowledging of the truth in every area and relation. We ask that we may recover ourselves from the snare of the lies we have believed. We ask you to
allow the fear of the LORD to cause us to depart from evil and to walk in meekness and faithfulness. Lord, we ask you to renew our hearts and our minds that we may be governed individually by the laws you have written in our hearts and corporately by the law of the Constitution.
We lift up presidents, house representatives, senators, judges, city council members, school board members, teachers, educators, pastors, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers and ask you to pour out your grace upon us to bring us to repentance to the acknowledging of the truth of your statutes, laws and judgments. Pour out your Holy Spirit to reprove of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. Let all exercise their measure of authority in all righteousness, truth, justice and mercy so that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty.
Let those who have committed breech of promise, treason, fraud, acceptance of bribes and /or giving of elitist favors be exposed and cast from office. Let them never hold public office in this life again. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Restore our republic for your name’s sake. Let not our enemies triumph over us Lord, in Jesus name, hear our prayers. Amen.
2Ti 2:25 … if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;…
Pro 16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD [men] depart from evil.
Lord, thank you for your word. We pray for all men. We ask you to give us repentance to the acknowledging of the truth in every area and relation. We ask that we may recover ourselves from the snare of the lies we have believed. We ask you to
allow the fear of the LORD to cause us to depart from evil and to walk in meekness and faithfulness. Lord, we ask you to renew our hearts and our minds that we may be governed individually by the laws you have written in our hearts and corporately by the law of the Constitution.
We lift up presidents, house representatives, senators, judges, city council members, school board members, teachers, educators, pastors, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers and ask you to pour out your grace upon us to bring us to repentance to the acknowledging of the truth of your statutes, laws and judgments. Pour out your Holy Spirit to reprove of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. Let all exercise their measure of authority in all righteousness, truth, justice and mercy so that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty.
Let those who have committed breech of promise, treason, fraud, acceptance of bribes and /or giving of elitist favors be exposed and cast from office. Let them never hold public office in this life again. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil. Restore our republic for your name’s sake. Let not our enemies triumph over us Lord, in Jesus name, hear our prayers. Amen.
We Can Stop This!
Yes, we can stop the unjust, undeclared, unwinnable, unaffordable wars. We can stop the raiding of confiscated social security funds to pay for unjust wars and unjust social welfare. We can get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and restore a sound free market economy. We can stop socialized medicine, socialized child care, socialized education, or a socialized/fascist monetary policy. We can stop them from ignoring the Constitution. We can stop them from imposing a redistribution of wealth law. We can stop them from appointing judges who will overthrow the Constitution with their unjust, illegal and unconstitutional decisions. If we have a MIND to stop them, we can stop them! But, first we have to find our mind.
That is what this is all about. The time has come to stand in freedom or fall to tyrannical socialist or imperialist doctrines and ideologies that empower tyrannical government entities. It matters not what their name is, they will surely come if we do nothing to stop them. The reason the Creator gave us his word was so we could know to choose the good and not the evil. In the original sin, they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The problem was, they didn’t know how to tell the good from the evil. Today we have people calling good evil and evil good and demanding that we pretend they are right. Things haven’t changed much have they?
That is what this is all about. The time has come to stand in freedom or fall to tyrannical socialist or imperialist doctrines and ideologies that empower tyrannical government entities. It matters not what their name is, they will surely come if we do nothing to stop them. The reason the Creator gave us his word was so we could know to choose the good and not the evil. In the original sin, they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The problem was, they didn’t know how to tell the good from the evil. Today we have people calling good evil and evil good and demanding that we pretend they are right. Things haven’t changed much have they?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Praying Together for Self-Government
"GOV''ERNMENT, n. Direction; regulation. These precepts will serve for the government of our conduct. 1. Control; restraint. Men are apt to neglect the government of their temper and passions." (Webster's 1828 dictionary, accessed November 16, 2011 at: "")
The first meaning Noah Webster attributed to the word government included the idea of direction, regulation and control of one's own conduct. The prevailing attitude of the culture that produced the American revolt against an unjust tyrant was rooted in the awareness that we are created in the image of God. As such, we are individually responsible before him to govern our conduct by his laws, statutes and judgments. One of many Supreme Court decisions confirming this idea is found in Richmond v. Moore, Illinois Supreme Court, 1883 which says, "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise. In this sense and to this extent, our civilizations and our institutions are emphatically Christian." Our paid media messengers and our elected mob leaders would prefer that we forget where we came from. We can more easily be led to our own destruction if we continue to pretend the lies they sell are true. The powers and principalities of this world must be defeated by the word of truth about our God, about ourselves and about our land.
Would you please pray with me for this republic?
Thank you, Lord, for your word which declares to us that which is right. Thank you for Noah Webster who set himself to prepare a dictionary so we could know what was on the hearts and minds of those who established the founding documents of this republic of several states united under the covenant of the Constitution.
Lord, how enlightening. Government was used to mean self control, individual responsibility. We have separated ourselves from the knowledge of the truth of your word, the truth of your judgments and the truth of our own place in the world. One reason our forefathers provided the Constitution was because they were making a bold statement that a nation that governs themselves under the commandments of God would need very little government intervention in the lives of the people. Safety of any people is born out of obedience to your laws, statutes and judgments. Those that do not govern themselves as individuals according to your laws, statutes and judgments will demand a tyrannical government to rule over them in a vain attempt to keep them safe from the laws of nature and of nature's God.
Forgive us Lord, we have been educated into ignorance of your laws, statutes and judgments. We have been educated into ignorance of your power, authority, and righteousness. We have been educated into ignorance as a nation, as a culture and as a society. Lord, your word says in the last days men shall be covenant breakers. Lord, let us not be found among those who are willing to break the covenant you have made with us, nor the covenant the states have made with each other in the Constitution that unites America into a republic.
Forgive us Lord, grant us repentance to the acknowledging of the truth in every area and relation. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Links to More Posts about Constitutional Law Issues:
Public Wickedness - Must be Corrected by Human Laws
The Philosophy of Ownership
The Foundation the Builders Rejected
The first meaning Noah Webster attributed to the word government included the idea of direction, regulation and control of one's own conduct. The prevailing attitude of the culture that produced the American revolt against an unjust tyrant was rooted in the awareness that we are created in the image of God. As such, we are individually responsible before him to govern our conduct by his laws, statutes and judgments. One of many Supreme Court decisions confirming this idea is found in Richmond v. Moore, Illinois Supreme Court, 1883 which says, "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise. In this sense and to this extent, our civilizations and our institutions are emphatically Christian." Our paid media messengers and our elected mob leaders would prefer that we forget where we came from. We can more easily be led to our own destruction if we continue to pretend the lies they sell are true. The powers and principalities of this world must be defeated by the word of truth about our God, about ourselves and about our land.
Would you please pray with me for this republic?
Thank you, Lord, for your word which declares to us that which is right. Thank you for Noah Webster who set himself to prepare a dictionary so we could know what was on the hearts and minds of those who established the founding documents of this republic of several states united under the covenant of the Constitution.
Lord, how enlightening. Government was used to mean self control, individual responsibility. We have separated ourselves from the knowledge of the truth of your word, the truth of your judgments and the truth of our own place in the world. One reason our forefathers provided the Constitution was because they were making a bold statement that a nation that governs themselves under the commandments of God would need very little government intervention in the lives of the people. Safety of any people is born out of obedience to your laws, statutes and judgments. Those that do not govern themselves as individuals according to your laws, statutes and judgments will demand a tyrannical government to rule over them in a vain attempt to keep them safe from the laws of nature and of nature's God.
Forgive us Lord, we have been educated into ignorance of your laws, statutes and judgments. We have been educated into ignorance of your power, authority, and righteousness. We have been educated into ignorance as a nation, as a culture and as a society. Lord, your word says in the last days men shall be covenant breakers. Lord, let us not be found among those who are willing to break the covenant you have made with us, nor the covenant the states have made with each other in the Constitution that unites America into a republic.
Forgive us Lord, grant us repentance to the acknowledging of the truth in every area and relation. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Links to More Posts about Constitutional Law Issues:
Public Wickedness - Must be Corrected by Human Laws
The Philosophy of Ownership
The Foundation the Builders Rejected
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