Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good Behavior, a Constitutional Condition of Office

Good behavior is required of a servant elected to positions of public trust. Good behavior does not mean one speaks softly and smiles nicely into the camera. Nor does it mean one “meant well”, it means one does well by supporting, upholding, protecting and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Constitution protects us against the unlawful use of power.

If a power is not specifically listed and assigned to a specific branch of the federal government, then that power is not authorized to be exercised by that branch of the government. A power assigned to one branch is not authorized to be performed by another branch of government. Good behavior ends where usurping the authority assigned to another branch begins. Good behavior of a public servant begins and ends with upholding the oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic. Most of our enemies these days are domestic enemies.

When a Supreme Court Justice breaks their fiduciary obligation and makes a legislative decree from the bench, they are usurping the authority of Congress. That judge should be brought before Congress for impeachment. That judge has committed a breach of promise to uphold his oath of office, broken the chains placed on him by the Constitution and should not be allowed to sit on the bench or hold public office for the rest of his life.

Our own good behavior as members of this republic requires that we keep watch over elected and appointed office holders, congress, judges and presidents to ensure that they fulfill their obligations to fulfill their oaths of office. We can restore our authority, by restoring their awareness of their obligation to honor the Constitutionally defined limits of their authority. Holding senators accountable for impeaching those who fail to uphold their oath of office is part of our own good behavior.  We need to be very careful to choose trustworthy people to hold positions of public trust on our behalf.  Their bad behavior is our responsibility because they are committing their offenses under our authority before our Creator.

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