Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What about the Separation of Church and State?

The first rule of interpretation says what is written cannot mean to the interpreter what it did not mean to the author. There is an openly stated and ratified clause in the first amendment that prohibits congress from making a law prohibiting the free exercise of our religion. There is no clause in the Constitution providing a wall of separation of church and state. Most of the framers of the Constitution were alive and in authority when the federal buildings were being built in Washington D.C. They put the Ten Commandments on the walls, they put bible verses on the walls, they established prayers to open every session of congress, they used the bible as the instrument upon which oaths of office were taken, it goes on and on and on. The framers of the Constitution obviously did not mean the prohibition of public prayer in our schools would be an acceptable exception to the stated first amendment right to the free exercise of our religion.

The ambitious and unjust Supreme Court Justices came up with an imaginary wall of separation from a personal letter that Jefferson wrote that was not part of the ratified consent of the governed. If they had referred to the unjust decision that created the imaginary wall of separation of church and state as the “Prohibition of Public Prayer Decision”, it would have been overturned immediately.

More importantly those Supreme Court Justices should have been impeached. The Supreme Court only has the authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Justices who reach outside the directly stated clauses of the Constitution and impose their own perverted imaginations of what they thought should have been included in the Constitution are subject to impeachment.

Impeachment carries with it the penalty that they never hold public office again. The Constitution is the written covenant between the states that are united for the purpose of mutual protection of all the states. Judges don’t get to re-define the openly written agreement as far as their imaginations will stretch it.

In failing to demand the reversal of that unjust decision, we the keepers of this republic have failed our posterity. But, it doesn’t have to remain that way. We can rise up and demand the reversal of that unjust decision and we can rise up and demand the impeachment of justices who continue to make decisions based on other unjust decisions rather than based on the actual Constitution and the limits of authority written therein.

We still have the authority that has been endowed to us by our Creator which is unalienable. The consent of the governed is still of paramount importance. If we can get our minds back, we can do what needs to be done.

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